
Welcome to Cape Town Python User Group

The Cape Town Python User Group meets once a month (or more), and holds discussions, talks and demos of whatever's currently interesting in the python world.

Pycon ZA 2023

PyConZA 2023 will be held on the 5th and 6th of October, 2023 as a hybrid conference (with in-person and remote attendees and talks). The in-person venue will be the Premier Splendid Inn in Umhlanga.

Sprints will be held on the weekend immediately after the conference (7th and 8th of October).

Next Scheduled CTPUG Meeting

The next meeting will be on the 16th of September, 2023, starting at 14:00.

Mailing List

We mainly communicate via a public mailing-list:


We have IRC discussions on the #ctpug channel on the Atrum IRC network:


We have discord channels on the official Python Software Society of South Africa discord server.

Invite link. Look for the channels under the "Cape Town Python Users Group" category.


We have a meetup group, where we announce meetings and so forth as well.


We also have a facebook group over here.

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Last modified 20 months ago Last modified on Jun 27, 2023, 8:42:58 AM
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