= Plone Sprint and Python Bug Day 2013-01-26 = == When == * Dates: 26th and 27th January * Time: starting at around 11:00 and probably ending around 17:00 or so This is in conjuction with Plone's [http://www.coactivate.org/projects/wine-and-beer-sprint/project-home Wine and Beer Sprint] and [wiki:Meeting20130126] is happening on the Saturday. == Where == * [wiki:PraekeltOffice Praekelt] have offered to host us. == What == * Work on [http://bugs.python.org/issue?%40search_text=&ignore=file%3Acontent&title=&%40columns=title&id=&%40columns=id&stage=&creation=&creator=&activity=&%40columns=activity&actor=&nosy=&type=&components=&versions=14&dependencies=&assignee=&keywords=&priority=&%40sort=priority&%40group=priority&status=1&%40columns=status&resolution=&nosy_count=&message_count=&%40pagesize=50&%40startwith=0&%40action=search 2.7 issues] pre-release of 2.7.4. * Add to our [wiki:CTPUGBugs list of bugs] touched. * Work on pyntnclick. * Help out with Plone sprints. * Anything else people are interesting in hacking on. See the [http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonBugDay Python Bug Day HOWTO] on the Python wiki for how to get started. == Social Events == * On Friday evening, there will be a braai at the Praekelt Office. * On Saturday evening, there will be an excursion to a restuarant for dinner. == Links == * [http://plone.org/events/community/beer-and-wine-sprint Plone Sprint details at plone.org] * [http://www.coactivate.org/projects/wine-and-beer-sprint/project-home Plone Sprint details at coactivate.org] * [http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonBugDay Python Bug Day HOWTO] == Results == Bugs and things we work on get listed here on the day: * {-http://genshi.edgewall.org/ticket/539-} * {-http://genshi.edgewall.org/ticket/540-}