= Meeting 05/03/2011 = == When == 5th of March, 2011. [http://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=bXNsYmRoNm90NTQ5ZGsyMTl0YWxvNzA0ZDAgMGdjdDRxcDY3b3Nuc3M5aXYwbDVwcXVqZ29AZw&ctz=America/New_York PSF Google Calender entry] == Where == Yola offices, 35 Hope Street [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=35+hope+street,+cape+town&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=55.016555,114.169922&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=35+Hope+St,+Cape+Town+City+Centre,+Cape+Town,+Western+Cape+8001,+South+Africa&z=17 map link]. If you can't be present in person you can join us on the #ctpug channel on the [http://www.atrum.org Atrum IRC network]. Some of us will also likely be present on #scipy on the Freenode IRC network. == What == Finish porting matplotlib to python 3. Possibly look at some other useful scientific libraries if time allows (h5py has been mentioned). == Notes == * Neil Muller will apply to the PSF for funding * Money to be spent on beer, pizzas, coffee and some memorabilia (still to be decided). * Funding secured - memorabilia still has to happen * Expected number of attendees: 6-10 == Preparation == * Stefan van der Walt has contacted some of the core matplotlib developers * Generally seems to be seen as a good idea * Matplotlib has completed move to github - [https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib-py3 py3k branch here]. == Next meeting == To be decided - probably mid-to-late April. {{{ python -c 'import datetime ; print datetime.date(day=5,month=03,year=2011) + datetime.timedelta(weeks=6)' }}}