= Meeting 04/09/2010 = == When == * 4th of September, 2010. Starting at 10:00am. * [http://www.google.com/calendar/render?eid=anJmZjVtcDQzMHU5ZjRsZnZwamU0Mjh0dW8gMGdjdDRxcDY3b3Nuc3M5aXYwbDVwcXVqZ29AZw Google Calendar entry] == What == Port Genshi to Python 3. == Where == Yola offices, 35 Hope Street [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=35+hope+street,+cape+town&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=55.016555,114.169922&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=35+Hope+St,+Cape+Town+City+Centre,+Cape+Town,+Western+Cape+8001,+South+Africa&z=17 map link]. (Google Maps still thinks !WebAfrica lives there.) == Notes == * Simon Cross will apply to the PSF for fundng * Money to be spent on beer, pizzas, coffee and some memorabilia (coffee mugs currently the odds-on favourite). * We are unlikely to finish in a single sprint - Current plan is to work on some issues during the week after the sprint and have another session on the 11th. * Plan is to ignore C accelerator for the first pass, and port it if time allows * Aim for a single code-base, otherwise distribute and 2to3 solution if single code-base gets too complicated * Expected number of attendees: 6-10 == Preparation == * Porting discussion started on Genshi mailing list [http://groups.google.com/group/genshi/browse_thread/thread/838e8d187c46e549?hl=en link]. * No objections raised so far. * Jeroen (one of the Genshi committers) has offered to help get our code into Genshi svn when we're done (either as a branch or in trunk as appropriate). * Application for PSF funding successful. * Announcement submitted to Python Sprints ([http://pythonsprints.com/2010/08/7/cape-town-python-users-group-genshi-python-3-sprin/ link]). == Todo == * Price and design coffee mugs.