Meeting20130601: index.html

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Source HTML for slides on Rice's Theorem (requires reveal.js)

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7 <title>Practical Implications of Rice's Theorem</title>
9 <meta name="description" content="An introduction to Rice's Theorem and a look at what it implies for day-to-day development">
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38 <!-- Title slide -->
39 <section>
40 <h1>Rice's Theorem</h1>
41 <h3>and what it means for you! :)</h3>
42 <p>
43 <small>Created by <a href="">Simon Cross</a> / <a href="">@hodgestar</a></small>
44 </p>
45 </section>
47 <!-- What is Rice's Thoerem -->
49 <section data-state="alert">
50 <section>
51 <h2>What the heck is Rice's Theorem?</h2>
52 </section>
53 <section>
54 <h2>Some things are just unpossible!</h2>
55 <p class="fragment">
56 Which things? Glad you asked! :)
57 </p>
58 </section>
59 <section>
60 <h2>Properties of computable partial functions</h2>
61 </section>
62 <section>
63 <h2>Formal(ish) statement</h2>
64 <p>
65 <span class="fragment">Given a <b>non-trivial</b> <b>property</b> of computable partial <b>functions</b></span>
66 <span class="fragment">the problem of whether a particular program computes such a function is undecidable</span>
67 </p>
68 </section>
69 <section>
70 <h2>Non-trivial</h2>
71 <ul>
72 <li class="fragment">A least one function that <b>has</b> the property</li>
73 <li class="fragment">A least one function that <b>doesn't have</b> the property</li>
74 </ul>
75 </section>
76 <section>
77 See <a href="'s_theorem">Wikipedia</a> for the gory details. :)
78 </section>
79 </section>
81 <section>
82 <section>
83 <h2>Kinds of properties</h2>
84 </section>
85 <section>
86 <h2>Works for:</h2>
87 <p class="fragment">Properties that refer to behaviour</p>
88 <p class="fragment">Properties that refer to input and output only</p>
89 </section>
90 <section>
91 <h2>Doesn't work for:</h2>
92 <p class="fragment">Properties that refer to the implementation</p>
93 <ul>
94 <li class="fragment">Number of lines of code</li>
95 <li class="fragment">Number of for-loops</li>
96 <li class="fragment">Whether the code is syntactically correct</li>
97 </section>
98 </section>
100 <section data-state="soothe">
101 <section>
102 <h2>Sketch of a proof ...</h2>
103 </section>
104 <section>
105 <h2>... in Python!</h2>
106 <pre><code data-trim contenteditable>
107def has_cool_property(f):
108 """Returns True if f has this cool property,
109 False otherwise."""
110 # XXX: Put magic here!
112def tiny_cool_function(*args, **kw):
113 """Tiny function we wrote to show the cool property
114 is sometimes met."""
115 # XXX: Write this.
117def halts(a, i):
118 """Returns True if a halts given input i."""
119 def t(*args, **kw):
120 a(i) # this is just here to mess with has_cool_property
121 return tiny_cool_function(*args, **kw)
122 return has_cool_property(t)
123 </code></pre>
124 </section>
125 </section>
127 <!-- Implications -->
129 <section>
130 <section>
131 <h2>So these implications you promised?</h2>
132 </section>
133 <section>
134 <h2>QA and testing</h2>
135 </section>
136 <section>
137 <h2>Security and sandboxes</h2>
138 </section>
139 <section>
140 <h2>Compiling and static analysis</h2>
141 </section>
142 </section>
144 <!-- Non-implications -->
146 <section data-state="alert">
147 <section>
148 <h2>Non-implications</h2>
149 <p class="fragment">a.k.a. things that might work</p>
150 </section>
151 <section>
152 <h2>Upfront design</h2>
153 <aside class="notes">
154 Rice's Theorem doesn't say much about whether an algorithm can be tailored to have
155 a particular feature -- it just says that if you don't you're a bit screwed trying
156 to add the property afterwards.
157 </aside>
158 <p class="fragment">If you want a property, design it in up front ...</p>
159 <p class="fragment">because you won't be able to check later. :/</p>
160 </section>
161 </section>
163 <!-- After thoughts -->
165 <section data-state="soothe">
166 <h1>HALT?</h1>
167 <h3>BY Simon Cross /</h3>
168 </section>
170 <section>
171 <section>
172 <h2>What made you look into all this?!</h2>
173 </section>
174 <section>
175 <h2>Blame PERL!</h2>
176 <p class="fragment"><a href="">It's unparsable. :/</a></p>
177 </section>
178 <section>
179 <h2>Its grammar is ambiguous in crazy ways:</h2>
180 <code class="fragment" data-trim contenteditable>
181 whatever / 25 ; # / ; die "this dies!";
182 </code>
183 </section>
184 <section>
185 <h2>If you ever need to feel great about using Python:</h2>
186 <ul>
187 <li>
188 <a href="">On Parsing Perl</a>
189 by <i>Randal Schwartz</i> (2000)
190 </li>
191 <li>
192 <a href="">PPI man page</a>
193 by <i>Adam Kennedy</i>
194 </li>
195 <li>
196 <a href="">Perl Cannot be Parsed: A Formal Proof</a>
197 by <i>Jeffrey Kegler</i> (2008)
198 </li>
199 </ul>
200 </section>
201 </section>
203 <section data-state="blackout">
204 <section>
205 <h2>An unrelated cool thing:</h2>
206 <ul>
207 <li>
208 <a href="">Python as a First Language</a>
209 by <i>John M. Zelle</i>
210 </li>
211 </ul>
212 </section>
213 <section>
214 <blockquote cite="">
215 &ldquo;Compiling a program and staring at a screenfull of nagging messages is
216 a dull and exasperating activity.&rdquo;
217 </blockquote>
218 </section>
219 <section>
220 <blockquote cite="">
221 &ldquo;In fact, I would venture to say that after a couple days playing with Python,
222 many faculty who are now teaching C++ would know Python better.&rdquo;
223 </blockquote>
224 </section>
225 </section>
227 <section>
228 <h2>Ideas generated by questions and comments after the talk</h2>
229 <ul>
230 <li>Scalability is another property one can't tack on to programs afterwards.</li>
231 <li>JIT compilation also benefits from Rice's Theorem since it imposes strong
232 bounds on what static compilation can prove about the algorithm implemented.</li>
233 </ul>
234 </section>
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